Saturday, January 31

Hope from the Mushroom

It rained hard, not outside but more on the inside.
Tears of pain flooded me as if I was pierced with thorns of sorrow.

So I walked through the woods today hoping I could find solace
Then I stumbled a soft, fragile, little mushy thing called redpouch.
In my delight I picked it up and put it in my palm
There, the little thing looked so beautiful and calm
As if telling me, “Hey, why so sad? The world is not that bad!
You just have to smile and everything will be glad.
Lift your worries on air and the wind will carry it away.
Dream your dream and your life will begin.”

Filled with hope, I strolled my way home
Amazed by the lesson I’ve learned from that little red thing
She seemed so weak and mushy but she brought my soul to life
That even though I wanted her with me, I left her free
Yes, I left redpouch in the woods but I took with me her giant hope.

Copyright ©2004 Chille Pineda Cabrillos

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