Wednesday, May 5

Images Of Love...

I never knew love could be a can patiently transform the minds…it can persistently teach the heart with values…it can continuously enlighten the path on life’s highways…it can eternally create marks on our lives.

I never knew love could be an activist…it can confidently cry out to the street his lamentations…it can bravely fight for his dreams and convictions…it can explicitly uncover his pretensions…it can certainly express his noble intentions.

I never knew love could be an artist…it can do charcoal portrait of pains, jealousies, and hurt…it can fill the canvass of the heart with different shades and hues…it can simply draw beautiful sketches of love’s memories…it can interpret the unfathomable ways of love with its abstract.

I never knew love could be a saint…it can bear all sufferings without hesitations…it can endure all pains without questions…it can give without returns and conditions…it can give up his life for his faith and convictions.

But most of all…I never knew love could be you. And that I could love the way I have loved and will always love you!

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