This is a tribute to my wonderful Nanay, and to all those brave women who would be soon become mothers.
Because she is a mother…
She watches over you when you go to sleep
She wakes up every time you open your eyes
She worries when you shed out tears and cry so hard
She laughs when you show her your first tricks
She dances with joy when you call her ‘mommy’
Because she is a mother…
She senses the touch of your hands
She feels the silence of your pain
She knows the surprises of your life
She dreams the sky of your happiness
She embraces the whole of your being
Because she is a mother…
She wishes… you embrace her so close in your heart
She yearns… you shower her with everyday kisses
She prays… you appreciate her uncomplaining love
She hopes…you make the very best out of your life
She dreams…you fly high yet have your feet on the ground
Because she is a mother…
She endures…she suffers…she forgives.
Because she is a mother…
She cares…she trusts…she loves with all her heart and soul.